@marsxr .... printer bettter then fookin Cental… @marsxr .... printer bettter then fookin Cental bank , u are not ready whats commin #2140army…
APoLLo 2140 HQ just landed, no… APoLLo 2140 HQ just landed, no signal, no noize, fook da bullshit, tribe takeovah #2140army #nostr #grownostr #LDN , Microdosing of People #UrbanJungle…
shitUbe link… shitUbe link we got soloutions, there is no freedom money without freedom of speech. we can change lot of stuff but we will not save whole wrold system is not broken , it was designed this way stay focus on your shit, and Tribe. execute , no hostages , stop spreading the bullshit…
we got soloutions, there is no… we got soloutions, there is no freedom money without freedom of speech. we can change lot of stuff but we will not save whole wrold system is not broken , it was designed this way stay focus on your shit, and Tribe. execute , no hostages , stop spreading the bullshit , be a…
#nostr #grownostr #2140army @yakihonne @BITCOIN CULTURE… #nostr #grownostr #2140army @yakihonne @BITCOIN CULTURE FESTIVAL, LONDON 29OCT-03NOV @CYPH☰R\\\UNK HOUS☰ #freePalestine…
#Manifesto2140 v.2 - "Stripped" presentation at… #Manifesto2140 v.2 - "Stripped" presentation at @CYPH☰R\\\UNK HOUS☰ best spot for #Bitcoin in London…