ALL in #nostr

ALL in #nostr
Funny days behind, finally matured to the moment to leave something behind. Concentrate as like a creator on proper #freedom tool and proper uncensored content. Without looseing time for garbage.
I was waiting many years for this moment and We got it.
We are early, still in niche. Watching for half a year what is happening here gave me so much confidence, and hope for Us.
#NOSTR is a fuckin
I also reached my FedUp point. X became a joke, fookin joke. 1⁄3 of My feed in German (???) crypto Solana and ETH spammers with rugpulls. On my private wall without single follow of them. Total #fiatmental bullshit. Pointless Noize
Watching kids dying in Gaza and nobody does nothing, no single fook about it. I’m done with hypocrisy, secret shadow banning my content cos I was too loud about a #truth and real issue.
I caught this moment during the creation of my newest #remix. titled World issue.
Funny feeling. Own hypocrisy being part of this doxxed X platform, to who the fook knows. Against my own values, which I share and educate other people with.
The richest MF on earth who could solve hunger and other problems of the world in a day instead he is sending #fake rockets on Mars, Beaing silent about #Gaza. Same time posting his pictures from Auschwitz with huge word “NEVER AGAIN”. Pretending to be #freedomofspeech rockstar and all his pussylikers celebrating this i$r3li founded scum on leash. Fook it all of this is an illusion.
Time for change own mental state, free from this mental xtrap. Why cos we got it, still in developing mode, but its ours. Your own, my own, me and You are creators of it. For myself and for You. So excited, future is bright.
#Cypherpunks back on da track and we don’t give a fook
Couldn’t imagine better times to exist and spread my crazy ideas with (again) YOU.
Thanks for the inspiration #NOgang #2140army and all ya gangsters wherever you are.