We workin hard last weeks and…

We workin hard last weeks and…

We workin hard last weeks and months to deliver you unique experience, open conference made by the people for the people.

Pure #cypherpunk ethos vibe. To educate , learn , spend time together , celebrate, dance - You name it

nostr:nprofile1qqs0hgdmmz440ujcvuc40hhatt7femdqqnrgghuemvcknljtvxa8g9spqqqsuamnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dshszfrhwden5te0dehhxarj94ex2mrp0yh8qumxda6kuerpw35k7m3wd9hxvme0ztm4ae alongside with CYPH☰R\\UNK HOUS☰ want to invite you to London / UK for proper Cultural event.

Please Follow BITCOIN CULTURE FESTIVAL, LONDON 29OCT-03NOV , We will drop updates there, starting tommorow .

#art #music #culture #bitcoin
#2140army #2140inkrypted #tattoo #rave #dance
#FoodstrLDN #NostrLDN #TootingMarket
#artstr #nostrart #nostr #social #food

Please check us soon on YakiHonne #yakihonne for more proper info and cool #smartwidgets.

and please Tidy Up your seatbelts :)

Have blessed day