#epoxy #wood #bitcoin #nosterdam #proofofwork table… #epoxy #wood #bitcoin #nosterdam #proofofwork table is with crew 2140 is someone interested let us know #coffeetable unique piece of oak wood @nostrdam, for sale…
WARRNING !!! NEW VIDEO !!!So here we… WARRNING !!! NEW VIDEO !!!So here we go, prep for #nostriga and #HB2024, Part of team is commin #2140auctions run soon, #2140session no hostages @Zazawowow @Fzero almost on board @Missatoshi_girl on fire, workshop burning, no briges. Nothing left behind, #Bitcoin #artstr #nostrart #chef #proofofwork Link video…
So #nostriga @Nostriga during afterparty #2140sessions… So #nostriga @Nostriga during afterparty #2140sessions and i will bring phisical choppin boardz. #bitcoin coffetable and cypherpunk manifesto from my cave whitch will be auctioned on #2140auctions + some @Fzero amezin designs and maybe few suprises , more infoo soon #artstr #art #foodstr #craft #proofofwork…
#nostr Chppin board in progress #artstr… #nostr Chppin board in progress #artstr #foodstr #chef #proofofwork thik epoxy be ready for #2140auctions during riga @Nostriga…
#proofofwork @AgoristNexus chopping boards for chopping… #proofofwork @AgoristNexus chopping boards for chopping Fiat Lambs, 3 editiin my own, #samurai shit and #nostr be fookin ready for auction during riga event…
Love it or hate it, first… Love it or hate it, first time in human history we got a tool to solve any fookin problem of this world ! #proofofwork @Bitcoin FilmFest @We_Are_2140…